Your Idea Has Potential
Never underestimate the potential of a good idea. Pray to the Lord for direction. Be sure to write out your idea(s) and store in a safe place. Be diligent and exercise the utmost patience. It may not materialize overnight. That's quite alright. Trust the process and keep moving forward. One good idea coupled with the right course of action has the potential to grow into something GREAT!

Don't be afraid of the challenge! Change your perspective and embrace it! It's another GOD GIVEN OPPORTUNITY for GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT! STEP UP!

There's enough noise surrounding us from the start of our day, throughout until the very end. Negative influences arise as the cares of life barge in overwhelmingly. Focus on the positive things. Key in on what is going right. Just one positive thought in the morning can change your entire day. Think positive.

There are five key elements of leadership. Communication is one of the most important elements of leadership. Knowing your team is just as important. As you should know your team, you should also know yourself and be honest to your strengths and weaknesses. Diplomacy and seeking out feedback is imperative.

God's word is a promise! Hold on to what He said about your situation. You can and will accomplish much! All it takes is ONE WORD from the LORD and a made up mind!

Sometimes we try to fix it ourselves. Other times we attempt to figure out the specifics concerning a particular situation when God has already promised He's working it out. In our subliminal unconscious efforts to "help" God, we find ourselves worried. As a word of encouragement; don't worry. God is working in the background on your behalf. Let GOD work!

Enjoy the replenishment that comes from meditation. Be sure to take a few moments today & enjoy!

Designate a set time to meditate. Fine a relaxing quiet place where you can be seated and free from daily responsibilities. Inhale deeply with your nose and exhale slowly from your mouth. Repeat a couple times. Utilize the sounds of nature as your release yourself from your thoughts. Without apology; enjoy the replenishment that comes from meditation.

There are times when discouragement attempts to present itself as you're working on new ventures, endeavors, etc. Thoughts of not having enough will try to influence you to stop altogether. DON'T FALL FOR IT! Be encouraged in knowing that you have MORE THAN WHAT IT TAKES to get the job done! Keep going!
I'm convinced that there is more inside of you. Many times, it's just a matter of tapping into the MORE! You don't have to settle for secondary success.
The definition of the term perfect is not limited to, "being without flaw." Perfect can also mean the following - entire, full, complete, and/or mature. As a professional, keep aiming for the improved you! "No matter what industry you're in; when you surround yourself with greatness, you're bound to grow into a better you! When you do this, you are Positioned for Perfection!" [maturity]